
Winds of Change - Chapter 9

Episode Summary

While Sandir recovers on bedrest, Quillathe and Griff try to lie low... but Griff can't help trying to steal back his money from the scamming Brownie at the general store, and Quillathe finds that it's very difficult to stop being the center of attention when you're used to being the grandest distraction in the room. There's a very drunk conversation between them when Quillathe plays bartender for the first time. The fernwitch, Maryiam Corg, scolds Quillathe for various reasons.

Episode Notes

While Sandir recovers on bedrest, Quillathe and Griff try to lie low... but Griff can't help trying to steal back his money from the scamming Brownie at the general store, and Quillathe finds that it's very difficult to stop being the center of attention when you're used to being the grandest distraction in the room. There's a very drunk conversation between them when Quillathe plays bartender for the first time. The fernwitch, Maryiam Corg, scolds Quillathe for various reasons.

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